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         Timewings Consulting Co.,Ltd is a professional head hunting company established in Shanghai, which is consist of senior consultants that come from various industry and we have the core team members who had worked in a series of Multinational companies, private companies and nation companies, and they took the main role of high management level when they served for these campanies. High quality service was provided for our clients from 2003. We have established competitive advantages based on some key factors. At first, we make it clearly about the HR strategy and criterion of different companies. Secondly, we have the whole field of vision about the human resources market and foresee the tendency of the development of human resources. Thirdly, we have the advanced testing tools that include DISC, MBTI, etc, to assure the quality of candidates that we recommend to our clients. Fourthly, most of our senior consultants had worked in different industries, so we have professional background of various industries and can be most efficient to search the right candidates to add values for the clients. In the past several years, Time wings accumulated rich talent resources that cover the different industries, especially focus on Shoppingmall, Hotel,Service Apartment, Office, Real Estate, Electronics, Electrics, Software, Digital Equipment, Bio-tech, Consumable, Store-chain, Automobile, Chemistry, I.T., Pharmacy, Ad-media, etc. Timewings pursuing win-win business culture and long term partnership with our clients and talent people, and put it into the whole practice to achieve our business goal. Along with the developing of Great China Region, business expanding rapidly in various companies.As the important business partner, Timewings has done great endeavor to search abundant talent people to serve the needs of our clients and will strongly support their further developing in the future. Meanwhile,Timewings pays great attention to the job career development of talent people. We act as a personal consultant, a trainer of the candidates to assists them developing more competence and contribute more value for the company and themselves. Timewings provided first-class, professional Head Hunting services for our clients and candidates in the past years and will always contribute our great values for them permanently,with that based on more than 100,000 talents and the senior consultant group which covers more than 20 cities in Great China Region. 御时企业管理咨询,是一家高度专业化的企业管理咨询服务机构,由多名在跨国公司长期担任高级管理职位的行业人士担任董事,并由具备各行业背景的资深专才组成咨询顾问团队,对国内外企业的管理、运营及发展有全面深入的了解和领悟,为中国区的跨国企业、外商独资企业、合资合作企业、国内大中型企业、上市公司等提供了包括管理咨询、企业培训及人力资源信息咨询等全方位的服务,赢得了客户的广泛赞誉。 御时咨询奉行“多方共赢”的价值观,致力于和企业建立起长期的战略合作关系,把不断促进客户企业快速持续发展作为自己的责任,既关注企业现时的需要,也着眼企业未来的发展。通过专业精致的服务,帮助客户保持传统优势,创造新兴竞争力,与客户共同成长。 御时咨询是各类蓬勃发展中企业的得力伙伴,一旦拥有,受益永久。 服务项目 我们为跨国公司、外企驻中国代表处、亚太区企业、本土大中型企业,提供以下全面解决方案: --中高级人才搜寻 --企业内部培训 --企业管理咨询 --中高级人才职业规划与发展咨询 --延伸服务 -------------企业人才战略规划、人力资源测评、工作职位描述、薪酬福利设计、职业生涯规划、制度体系建设、企业文化建设咨询等。 邮件联系请致: timewings@vip.163.com
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